Golden visas: there are more than 7,000 applications waiting for the green light

There are changes on the way with regard to the golden visa program . Under the More Housing, it was approved in the parliamentary specialty the end of the granting of residence permits aimed at real estate investment, which should enter into force after the publication of the diploma. But there are still pending applications. According to data from the Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF), there are still 7,802 applications for gold visas awaiting approval.

Specifically, in the pre-analysis phase are a total of 21,364 applications for golden visa in the hands of SEF.  Of these, 7,082 applications refer to new gold visas and 13,562 to applications from foreign citizens who want to benefit from this regime through family reunification, writes Público. All indications are that the vast majority of pending gold visa applications are expected to get the green light, as the average lead rate is less than 4%.

These applications are in the pipeline at a time when the new rules forgold visas are expected to come into force soon. From that time, gold visas will no longer be able to be granted to those who acquire real estate or who make capital transfers and a minus 1.5 million euros.

Thus, it is only possible to apply for the golden visa for the modality of job creation (minimum of 10 jobs in research activities) and for the acquisition of units in venture capital funds directed to the capitalization of companies, in a minimum amount of 500 thousand euros. This is if in these two cases the investment does not stop, directly or indirectly, to the real estate sector.


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