Maintenance of the house in the summer: essential tips for hot days

Summer has arrived , and with it, the number of hours we spend at home decreases. We want to enjoy the good weather, go to the beach, stay late on a terrace, etc. And with all these activities, it is normal that we have less time to devote to the care of the home.

However, it is especially at this time of year that we need to be even more careful with the house, as it is more common to have certain discomforts such as insects and bad smells.


Clean the cabinets and let them air

Mold is one of the great problems of Portuguese houses. When cabinets are closed for a long time, the heat and humidity in this environment are conducive to the appearance of mold.  Therefore, the important thing is to prevent.

Thus, we advise you to open the cabinets every day and let them air about an hour. It is important that during this time the windows are also open to let in the air. And for prevention to be more effective, one day a week you should do a quick cleaning of the cabinets inside. This is very important to avoid unpleasant smells and allergy flare-ups.


Lets the air circulate

As mentioned above, it is important that the windows are open longer during this time of year, not only to air the cabinets, but the whole house in general.

Opening the windows will cause the air to be renewed and circulate, preventing, in addition to bad smells, the spread of viruses and bacteria. But beware, as we are in a warm season, open the windows only during the early hours of the morning or in the late afternoon when it is cooler.


Cleanliness as a weapon to combat insects

The heat is also conducive to the emergence of insects such as flies, mosquitoes, ants, among others. To avoid these undesirable visits, bet on effective cleaning.

It is important that you make sure that you do not leave leftover food on the kitchen countertop, table or floor. Therefore, after each meal, you should give a good cleaning in the kitchen, which is where these little friends most like to appear.


It's time to do the maintenance of the air conditioning

Air conditioning is an excellent ally on hot days, right? So you don't want it to have a malfunction and not work the right way.

To avoid this, you must maintain it . This will avoid embarrassment and allow you to extend the life of the device. You should clean the filters, as well as the air intakes and condensation tray. But beware, never do this while the air conditioner is plugged in.


Say goodbye to the carpets until autumn

This is the ideal time to vacuum the dust off the carpets and give them a vacation. With the arrival of warm weather, the last thing you should want is a rug that takes away all the cool atmosphere of the house.

So vacuum them, pass them a damp cloth and, in the end, let them dry in the open air. Then just keep them and tell them a "see you soon."


The importance of keeping the bathroom dry

The winter weather makes it difficult for us to work when we want to clean the toilets and keep them dry so as to prevent the spread of bacteria. Therefore, it is important to take advantage of this time of year to thoroughly clean this room of the house and air it as much as possible.


Change the furniture of place

The strength of the sun during this season can wreak havoc if you have furniture in an area where the sun falls directly, as the furniture may become dull and colorless.

To avoid this, you have two options: either put a sheet on top on the days and hours of greater heat, or opt for a much more aesthetic option, which is to change their place. And you can make this exchange with the potted plants that you have around the house and that are in more hidden places. Plants, unlike furniture, need sun. That way, everyone wins.


Give love to your pool

If you're lucky enough to have a private pool, take good care of it. We believe you give it a lot of use during the summer, so protect it from garbage accumulation and buy a suction robot. It is the most practical and effective way to maintain this special area of the house.


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